Though we live in a mostly wireless world, there are still many audio and video technology is that require structured wiring. If you’ve ever been to a home that has had professionally installed audio and video equipment, you may have wondered how they achieve such high quality audio and video without wiring being visible. It is not an illusion, a well-designed home audio video system will strategically hide structured wiring to ensure a Holmes aesthetic appeal is never sacrifice in the name of great audio and video.
What many homeowners don’t realize is that you quality and design of your wiring will greatly impact the quality of the end result. There are different types and quality of wire that can be used for structured wiring. Further, if it is not installed correctly, it can be dangerous, could short lifespan of your equipment, and will probably not produce the level of audio and video output you expect.
If you are unfamiliar with structured wiring, also known as prewiring, it is the wiring used for all audio, video, telephone, cable, satellite, and network wiring. A professionally designed and installed structured wiring system will give you the maximum number of options when it comes to your homes electronics systems both now and as technology advances. When this is completed by a professional, your wiring can be hidden in the attic, crawlspace, TV cabinet, and within the wall so that you never have to actually see the wires. Consult an experienced structured wiring installation company for a well designed structured wiring network that you can rely on.