3 Tips for Designing a Home Theater
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3 Tips for Designing a Home Theater

April 6, 2021

Once you have decided to install a home theater, you can hardly wait to start enjoying the ultimate luxury! But, before you can get cozy in your theater seat with popcorn to watch a movie, you have to design your home theater. And, that is easier said than done. There are many different ways to design a home theater. The specific equipment, features, and furnishings you choose will depend on your budget and available space but there are certain fundamentals that can help guide you when designing a home theater.

3 Tips for Designing a Home Theater:

Consider the Dimensions of the Room

The size of your room is one of the most important considerations when designing a home theater. The size of the room will influence your screen size, seating, acoustics, and more. Additionally, the height of the ceiling will influence your choice of a projector, screen, or television.

Include Acoustic Design in Your Home Theater

A good professional installed will include acoustic design such as soundproofing so that you don’t get your movie experience interrupted by outside noises, surround sound quality so that wherever you sit the show sounds great, and noise dampening to ensure you don’t drive the rest of the household, or your neighbors, crazy.

Consider Your Optimal Viewing Experience

This is important because it includes thinking about things like optimal screen distance, preferred seating, surround sound features, and even your remote control and/or automation features.


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