How Home Lighting Control Helps Your Bucktown Property This Holiday Season
Chicago ILHome Lighting Control

How Home Lighting Control Helps Your Bucktown Property This Holiday Season

September 27, 2017

Illuminate Your Chicago, IL Residence With Smart Solutions

Do you feel it in the air? No, not the drop in temperature and smell of pumpkin spice… we’re talking about the holiday spirit that’s just around the corner. If you’re not already thinking about how you’re going to deal with Halloween, Thanksgiving and the upcoming winter holidays, it’s not too late to start. One of the easiest solutions you can muster is upgrading your home lighting control system. Want to know more about the benefits smart lighting can bring to your property? Read on for more!

See Also: A Bright Idea: Home Lighting Control for Security

Fun for Trick or Treating

Nobody likes to trick or treat at a dark house. Not only is it spooky, but if the lights are off, the owners probably didn’t bother to pick up any good candy. If you want to impress the neighborhood with your cool Halloween decorations and awesome sweets, you’re going to need to show them off – and smart lighting is the perfect way to start.

You can begin by integrating outdoor lights that showcase your beautiful property. Create a layered look with individual zone dimmers, so you can highlight the things that you want to show off and draw attention from the things you want to hide. When you integrate LED lights, you can even choose from thousands of color gradients, so you can enjoy blood red or spooky blue tones that compliment your Halloween décor.

Simplify Your Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving can be one of the most rewarding holidays when you get to hang you with your family and gather around a good meal. But it can also be one of the most hectic if you don’t plan ahead. Smart lighting is just one way that integrated technology can help improve your experience.

When you’re ready to start setting the table, you don’t have to run through the house adjusting the lights. Simply tap a button on your smartphone or tablet and the lights will automatically dim and create the perfect mood for an intimate family evening. You can get more of your family time with smart lighting.

Stay Safe During the Winter Holidays

The winter holidays are often considered the most fun, with good tidings and good cheer and plenty of presents to go around. But it can also mean a lot more foot traffic around your home. With the presence of new faces and a few expensive gifts wrapped up around the house, you’ll want to ensure you and your family remain safe.

One of the easiest ways to do that is by making your home a brighter place. Potential threats are far less likely to occur in well-lit areas, so you can rely on your smart lighting to help keep your property safe.

Of course, home lighting control isn’t the only solution you need for the holidays. If you want to learn more, give us a call at 312-423-7938 or click here.


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